VIII International Symposium
of Genetics:
"70 Years of 46 Human Chromosomes"
February 26 -27th, 2026
The VIII International Scientific Conference of Genetics aims to provide an opportunity for both researchers and students in the field of genetics to present recently published and ongoing work. The goals of this conference are to enhance attendees’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the biological mechanisms key to inheritance and prevalent genetic diseases. Researchers from around the world, including the United States, Argentina, and Peru, will be presenting platforms related to their work in the field of genetics.
The eighth International Scientific Conference of Genetics is being hosted in Stony Brook, New York, USA on February 26-27th, 2026.
If you are interested in submitting an abstract to present a poster at VIII International Symposium of Genetics, please submit it under the "Registration" document
The eighth International Scientific Conference of Genetics is being hosted in Stony Brook, New York, USA on February 26-27th, 2026.
If you are interested in submitting an abstract to present a poster at VIII International Symposium of Genetics, please submit it under the "Registration" document